Philip Watch 8241 941 025

If you need to know the exact price on men's watches Philip Watch 8241 941 025, just click "Buy". You will at once be directed to the celebrated and honorable Amazon store. When you know the record of prices, you can obtain a watch.

SPECS OF Philip Watch 8241 941 025

Philip Watch
8241 941 025
mechanical with self-winding, men's
not specified
not specified
Display type
analogue (arrows), 12-hour time format
Source of energy
spring mechanism


not specified
not specified
Case Material
stainless steel
Material of Bracelet/Strap
not specified
Dimensions (width, height, thickness)
not specified
Watch weight
not specified


Accuracy movement
not specified
not specified
not specified
Built-in lights
not specified
Date display
Additional functions
not specified
not specified

Your Comments and Review for Philip Watch 8241 941 025

Watchesore is the only owner of the information provided in this catalog of watches. To provide a backward link to the source is a must in case of copying this information.
 0 customer reviews
Philip Watch 8241 941 025 wrist watches for men - 1 picture, image, photo

Info watches in the catalog

All watch details Philip Watch 8241 941 025 are taken from the official site Philip Watch or official catalog.
There are many various errors on both the official site and documents. It does not permit us to say that entirely all the information is both correct and factual. Watch creators Philip Watch have the right to change watch characteristics Philip Watch 8241 941 025 with no notice.
We forcefully propose that you use this data as a primary digest of watches Philip Watch 8241 941 025. When obtaining a watch, do not forget to check the data of all extra settings at the vendor.

Pay your attention!

Watches of famous brands are frequently counterfeited or copied. It is fairly hard to differentiate replica watches from the unique ones. Please note that the original producer watches are different from the copies by the next characteristics:
- The product is certified;
- There is the serial number is on the case back;
- An individual number on the back cover of the watch;
- There is an original embossed logo on the clock winder;
- Watches are sold in the original box;
- Manufacturer warranty is provided;
- Original watches have identification;
- After-sales service is guaranteed by manufacturer.
It is not that simple to find the difference between the original watches and quality replica. Both are very different inside. However, you cannot open the watches to make sure. We provide there tips for you to avoid buying a fake.
When you take the original watch, you will at once comprehend that this is authentic watch, as it is just the thing. When you take a watch and hesitate whether it is unique watch or a replica, do not obtain it.

Other men's of this brand
Philip Watch 8241 941 025 pictures
Gender: men
Mechanism: quartz
Philip Watch 8241 941 025 pictures
Gender: men
Mechanism: quartz
Philip Watch 8241 941 025 pictures
Gender: men
Mechanism: quartz